This Is A Complete Disaster On Every Level   Testing is the key. We know this because Germany and South Korea made testing a priority, and that is why they have the fewest rates of new cases and the fewest deaths per capita than any other nations on earth. Large numbers of tests followed by… (1 comment)

Donald Trump’s New Nuremberg
Donald Trump’s new Nuremberg Robert Harrington | 10:30 am EDT April 7, 2020 Palmer Report » Analysis For a very long time now I have made a point to refer to Donald Trump’s festivals for drooling, MAGA-hat-wearing cretins, his so-called “re-election campaign rallies,” as “Nuremberg-style rallies.” They began, preposterously, on February 18, 2017. You read that right. Trump allegedly…

The other crisis: Robert Harrington | 11:00 am EDT March 18, 2020 Palmer Report » Analysis I’ve got good news and bad news. First the good news. Bad as the COVID-19 pandemic is it’s containable and we will survive it. Now the bad news. This pandemic is not the worst crisis we face. In fact, it’s just a dress…

This Makes It Even Worse
This makes it even worse Bill Palmer | 2:23 pm EDT March 18, 2020 Palmer Report » Analysis The first rule of Donald Trump is that he’s always wrong and he screws up everything. The second rule of Donald Trump is that he can never admit he’s wrong or that he’s screwed up anything. We’ve always seen this pattern…

Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, which had Trump-Russia fingerprints all over it, is a bigger scandal than ever Bill Palmer | 11:19 pm EDT October 8, 2018 (reprint from Palmer Report » Analysis) It was an instantly explosive scandal, with ramifications deep and wide enough to shake American democracy to its core – and then almost as instantly, the mainstream…

Anthony Kennedy and his son were even more deeply involved in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal than we thought   Last year, even as Donald Trump’s presidency seemed to be on its last legs, and the Republican Party seemed to be inching away from him, something happened that caused the GOP to rush back into his…

In the end, Donald Trump had no one left
In the end, Donald Trump had no one left to do his dirty work for him – and that’s why it’s all over for him now Bill Palmer | 12:01 pm EDT September 21, 2019 Palmer Report » Analysis Donald Trump criminally conspired with Russia in plain sight to rig the 2016 election. He committed treason, espionage, conspiracy against…

Donald Trump Has Found A Whole New Way To Screw Us Over
Donald Trump has found a whole new way to screw us over   REPRINT:  BD Holly | 3:01 pm EDT July 27, 2019  from  Palmer Report » Analysis  I woke up today, read a few articles about the shambles that is Brexit, the unbridled disaster that is the Trump administration, and then I read this: “Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon…

We’re in hell right now, but here comes the cavalry  Bill Palmer | 9:09 am EDT April 12, 2019 Palmer Report » Analysis We, the American people, are in hell. It’s been the case to varying degrees since the day Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 presidential election. These past couple weeks it’s been even more…

The Trump (immigration) Final Solution
The Trump administration announced new guidelines to apprehend and deport millions of undocumented immigrants.  Trump’s new rules on deporting undocumented immigrants will cost Americans trillions of dollars and millions of heartaches. Trump’s new policies target all undocumented Americans, whether they committed a crime or not. The cost to the budget, American businesses, and heartache are…
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