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An Idea Whose Time Has Come


Are you happy? Are you satisfied?  Are you successful?  Are YOU winning in this round of life?  There are too many questions and not enough time.


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.”


I practiced typing that sentence a zillion times when I took a typing class in the summer of 1961. At that time I learned a lot while in public schools.  I took life seriously.  I learned to follow the rules laid down before me.  I learned to question authority, but respectfully do it.   I tried to contain my rebellion against a humanity that said one thing with their mouth, but said another with their actions.  I learned that doing everything in moderation and maintaining balance in life were important.


As a young person I learned early that honesty is the best policy”.  And in high school when the newly elected President Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” I responded.  I said my vision for mutual respect in a democracy meant sharing with one another honestly.  We were challenged to learn enough so that we could not only explore the earth, but the heavens as well.  We, in America, were capable of showing the world what true “freedom” meant.


I learned the importance of integrity in making sure honor came to oneself, one’s God, one’s family and one’s community. I learned that despite what others would say, one person could make a difference.


I ran for student body President in high school with my own speech to the student body to “ask not what your school can do for you, but what you can do for your school.” I lost the election to the second girl to ever be elected to that position.  She was prettier. So it has been a long time that I’ve witnessed the world of politics being merely a popularity contest.   It didn’t matter that I had been the Speaker of the House, held other class and school student council offices, and was an author of the school constitution, while also being band drum major for two years.


But I learned to turn a defeat into a win. I learned that my being “different” was for a reason.  I learned that every human on earth is unique.  There is no such thing as more unique, most unique, very unique.  If you are unique, you cannot be compared to another.  Our self-worth is determined, in the final analysis, by each individual.  Do you have high, low or medium self-esteem?  Or are you beat down, oppressed and uninformed so much that you can’t even see straight or see what is reasonable and logical?


I learned at an early age words are important.  Honest communication demands words get chosen carefully.


I learned to strongly dislike hypocrisy and not the person.


So I have an idea. I have an idea whose time has come.  Since I have the answers to questions we all ask, why not share those answers with others?

I have an idea that to be happy, you must be free.  To be free you must have first a vision of it, a dream about it, some thoughts about it, then a feeling about it, then an action to BE FREE.


The time has come for my ideas gained from my years on this planet, to be shared with others. My wisdom has got me this far perhaps it can help others.  My idea is that as I help others, I really am helping myself.  When I give something of value, I always receive something of value. I have an idea that where there is a will, there is a way.


The time has come for me to assert my belief system in ways to be understood. As others are trying to force their belief systems on me, it’s my responsibility to respond with my own assertions.   I believe the assertion that in society the level of strength is measured by the weakest link, just as it is in a chain.


I do not believe you can force people to be at peace. I do not believe you can force people to be free.  I believe peace begets peace and violence begets violence.  I believe hate breeds hatred and love breeds only more love.   I do not believe you can be free until we all are free.  I do not believe you can have justice unless there is fairness for all.


I have an idea that what America needs is a new American Revolution, a non-violent one. I believe our capitalist society has been commercialized too far.  Now that the  King George of the year 2000 has gone, the current Emperor Trump must go!


You can have a democratic capitalist society as long as there are institutions that will guarantee fairness for all. What we need is for the people to once again have the power, not corporations and financial institutions.


“Power to the people” in a capitalist society means empowering them with the means to capital. I believe in the rights of people not the rights of property.


I want to share my wisdom on a variety of subjects including politics, religion and science.The time has come for me to help educate people on the techniques for acquiring more money with just the small amount of energy they can make available, in the shortest period of time. Time and energy must be respected for this to happen.  And to be effective and efficient in time and energy, it must be delivered when a person is REALLY ready to listen.  Are you ready to listen?


Future blog posts won’t be as long as this one.  So, thanks for reading as NORTON SPEAKS.


Comments (2)

  • Awesome Larry. I couldn’t agree more. There has to be an organized, non violent movement in this country that removes not just trump, but all the destructive, monsters he has surrounded himself with.

  • I have read through your entire blog this afternoon. We share many similar thoughts. I struggle with the realities of a Trump administration, and I am especially concerned about how disappointed I am in anyone that would have voted for this man. That appears to be my biggest challenge, and I don’t know the answer. Hatred for these people is only hurting me.

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