Take time to read hundreds of promises made by Donald Trump in his declarations of how he would make America Great Again. https://thinkprogress.org/trump-made-a-lot-of-promises-about-what-he-will-do-as-president-weve-documented-663-of-them-3d28f0131e7f#.m480w42l6…

Use this link to read the 100 LIES of President Trump recorded by Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-administration-lies-100_us_58ac7a0fe4b02a1e7dac3ca6?ir=Canada&utm_hp_ref=canada  …

Thousands of newly released emails show Pruitt — while he was Oklahoma’s Attorney General — collaborating with the oil and natural gas industry to cripple the EPA’s authority. It’s not surprising, but it was a disgusting abuse of his power as Oklahoma Attorney General and representative of a serious conflict of interest. The damaging information…

The Trump administration’s draconian and hastily drafted immigration orders rescind a key protection for military families so that now even military spouses and children can be rounded up and deported.   I am not surprised the hypocrites at CPAC embrace a Commander in Chief who was a shameless draft dodger. I am not surprised they turn a blind eye…

WHITE HOUSE ILLEGALLY INFLUENCES FBI INVESTIGATION   The Trump administration has enlisted senior members of the intelligence community and Congress in efforts to counter news stories about Trump associates’ ties to Russia, a politically charged issue that has been under investigation by the FBI as well as lawmakers now defending the White House. Acting at…

THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!   In following the news this week, there’s no doubt you’ve read/heard about the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon made a dangerous and odious threat against the media. This was followed by Donald Trump echoing the same message while barring some reputable, truth-seeking news groups including The New York Times from a White…

RE:  Environmental Protection Agency Administrator and Wrecker Scott Pruitt.   Two years before Scott Pruitt was chosen to lead the Environmental Protection Agency that he wants to wreck, Fox 25, the Oklahoma City Fox affiliate, began seeking documents through the Freedom of Information Act relating to his term as Oklahoma attorney general. In the process, the station learned…

It’s time for the real American majority to demonstrate its unity and mobilize. BY STEVEN HARPER | JANUARY 23, 2017 It is not in numbers, but in unity, that our great strength lies…— THOMAS PAINE, COMMON SENSE (1776) Americans acting in good faith are destined to disagree on many issues of public concern. Colonists fighting the Revolutionary War couldn’t…
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