The gathering storm Robert Harrington | 9:00 pm EDT July 31, 2021 Palmer Report » Analysis Whenever I write about or declaim against conspiracy theories some defender inevitably points out that conspiracies actually exist. This inexpensive comment betrays a sloppiness and lack of rigor that explains, in part, why the defender is a conspiracy theorist in the…
Has “Homosexual” always been in the Bible? (reprint from Ed Oxford (pictured in above pic) is a gay Christian, a graduate of Talbot School of Theology, and a researcher in how the Bible has been weaponized against LGBTQ people. His first book written with Kathy Baldock, Forging a Sacred Weapon: How the Bible Became…
Jews fear what follows after Republicans applauded Marjorie Taylor Greene This article is taken from THE GUARDIAN Feb. 15, 2021 BY: Deborah Lipstadt Deborah Lipstadt is Dorot professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, Atlanta Photo of Marjorie Taylor Greene: Above: Marjorie Taylor Greene holds a press conference outside the Capitol in…
Gaming out the end of the filibuster Bill Palmer | 9:09 am EST January 29, 2021 Palmer Report » Analysis Back in 2018, liberal pundits – on TV and online – collectively decided that Trump was about to pardon his co-conspirators at any moment, and that it would cause him to magically win, and we’d all be screwed. This…
So this is what winning looks like…… Even as Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was insisting that he was somehow still in control of the Senate, some of us like authors of “The Palmer Report,” urged everyone to simply call McConnell’s bluff and get behind the hard charging new Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Sure…
Donald Trump Is Sheer Evil Robert Harrington | 2:00 pm EST December 28, 2020 Palmer Report » Analysis There is seldom a time, when referencing Donald Trump, that Maya Angelou’s most famous quote, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time,” isn’t appropriate. When it comes to Trump there are numerous “first times.” The “first…
It’s time for the 14th Amendment !!! Robert Harrington | 10:30 am EST December 13, 2020 Palmer Report » Analysis This week 126 House Republicans asked the Supreme Court to prevent four swing states from casting electoral votes for Joe Biden to seal his victory in the November election. I encourage you to read that first sentence again,…
The Enemy of Democracy Robert Harrington | 10:30 am EST December 12, 2020 Palmer Report » Analysis The late Christopher Hitchens was once asked, if confronted with absolute proof of the existence of God, would he then believe? To which Hitchens replied, “Of course I would, what an absurd question.” I don’t think he was being disingenuous calling such…
LETTING GO OF ANGER AND RESENTMENT Maintaining a sense of inner peace amid the chaos the world is currently in, means being able to let go—all the time, constantly, in every moment. As soon as you begin to hold on to any emotion, whether it be anger or resentment, joy or…
How to put a former president in prison Robert Harrington | 10:30 am EST December 5, 2020 Palmer Report » News There’s a common proclivity in human nature to believe that if something extraordinary happened once before then it can, and sometimes must, happen again. A corollary to that theorem might also be that something extraordinary can’t happen if…