CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE   The greatest threat to America, and indeed to the rest of world, at this point in history, comes from the staunch advocates of right wing ideology.  I must submit this warning to you: There is a grave problem with the right wing movement, in that, they seem to possess a distorted sense…

You Cannot Be A Republican And A Christian No one in American life today proclaims their allegiance to Christ more conspicuously than those who have rejected most of what Christ actually taught: Republicans. The modern Republican Party’s hell-bent embodiment of nearly everything Christ warned against has become so serious that we have to call it…

  BENIGN  NEGLECT   The kindness of strangers is killing us.  The biggest danger to the world population is the neglectful human relationships.  It is the policy of BENIGN NEGLECT that most hurts the American and Canadian political process. Out of a since of politically correct niceness, honesty is shaded and hidden.  We do not…

I  HATE  IT   I’m angry, and I know I’m not the only one. Evan an 8-year-old knows what happened in the Paris attacks. Kids and adults have the same question: Why? There are the facile answers: “They hate our freedoms.” Those are the answers of a politician looking to drum up support for a…

GIRLS CRY                                          FLYING SAUCERS HAVE LANDED   THE DARK SIDE OF YOUR FACE    BOSTON CITY                                    CHRISTMAS VALENTINE        …

10 Reasons why Americans should vote Republican   You want to finance the wealthy. You think the banking bailout wasn’t enough for the elite.  They need tax breaks to invest more in the developing world so their companies become more profitable. Please give them tax cuts to do so. Do you want to decrease unemployment…

   A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee. This may brighten your day, just in case it needs brightening.   A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and…

Here are my suggestions for the best in music and audio entertainment.   Click on the link.   Then click on YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH when it appears. above line is for SHY BABY     audio above for AIN’T GOT ENOUGH     audio above for THAT’S NICE    audio above for When Christine Comes Around — Grudge…

An Idea Whose Time Has Come   Are you happy? Are you satisfied?  Are you successful?  Are YOU winning in this round of life?  There are too many questions and not enough time.   “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.”   I practiced typing that… (2 comments)
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