STAY ALERT!  They walk among us, they breed, and they vote……. You now have 2 options…    Skip to another article…..    OR  Copy and Send this along to put a smile on someone’s face today!. HAHAHAHAHAHA THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE STORY…..(in Canada, no less) “My daughter and I went through the McDonald’s drive-thru…

Author unknown.   (Copy and Paste Everywhere) “I listened as they called my Christian President a Muslim. I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys. I listened as they said he wasn’t born here in the USA. I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could. I… (1 comment)

What is honor?   Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language lists the word HONOR as: a noun.  It means moral integrity.  It is the esteem accorded to virtue or talent. It is the conventional respect for a person of high rank or public distinction or for a worthy symbol: “to hold the flag in honor”.…

CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE    The greatest threat to America, and indeed to the rest of world, at this point in history, comes from the staunch advocates of right wing ideology, and I must submit this warning to you: There is a grave problem with the right wing movement, in that; they seem to possess a distorted…

Best.  What is the meaning of the word, BEST?   What is YOUR best?   Do you know when you are being your best? Do you know when you are doing your best? Do you know where you are being and doing your best? Do you know how you are being and doing your best?…

HONORING WORDS   What is a word?  What is the word?  What is your word? The dictionary gives multiple meanings. Honestly, the dictionary says: Word is a noun: “a speech sound or combination of sounds having meaning and used as a basic unit of language and human communication; the written or printed symbol of one…

Everyone needs this list to live by…pass it along!!!   Words Saved:   WORDS OF WISDOM   The most destructive habit………………………………….Worry The greatest Joy………………………………………………..Giving The greatest loss……………………………………………….Loss of self-respect The most satisfying work……………………………………Helping others The ugliest personality trait………………………………..Selfishness The most endangered species………………………….Dedicated leaders Our greatest natural resource…………………………….Our youth The greatest “shot in the arm”……………………………Encouragement The…

Guest Article from blogger:  From Mark Tyrell’s website How to Overcome Your Negative Self-Image “A negative self image can get in the way of all kinds of things in life.!” 3 Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself “I feel like I’m no good. Like I’m just damaged goods. I can’t even put my finger…

You ask  WHAT DID HILLARY ever do????   Hillary has an extensive record that cannot be disputed (although people try). Here we start with a partial list of Hillary’s record, just some of her achievements.   Secured a policy change that would “take into account” a country’s LGBT human rights record when distributing foreign aid.…

The Interpreter’s Guide to     DOCTORSPEAK Sharing some information I recently discovered………………….. WHAT YOUR DOCTOR SAYS:                                   WHAT YOUR DOCTOR MEANS: I’d like to run a few more tests   =    I want the sunroof option for my…
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