The inhumanity of humans toward other humans
The inhumanity of humans toward other humans The morality of a civilized society ROBERT REICH  re-print  from  oct 27 2023 Friends, Many of us feel overwhelmed by the brutality and hatefulness around us — in Israel and Gaza, in Russia’s continued attacks on Ukraine, in mass shootings here at home, in the violence and hostility…

Katy Guest The queen of Countdown’s dictionary corner on the power of positive language and finding joy in ‘mubble fubbles’ Sat 23 Sep 2023 11.00 BST Copied Katy Guest article from THE GUARDIAN newspaper Perhaps the world’s most famous lexicographer, Susie Dent is certainly one of the most positive people on British TV. For 31…

BEHOLD  THE  FOOL In  the words  of   ROBERT  HARRINGTON (in Palmer Reports) I don’t know of any polite way to put this or who needs to hear it, so I’m just going to come right out and say it. There is nothing — absolutely nothing — that says temperatures on earth have to be survivable by human… (1 comment)

Paul’s Epistle to the Church in America
Paul’s Epistle to the Church in America MAY 10, 2023 BY JAMES WERNING What would Saint Paul say if we actually obeyed God’s call for justice and compassion?   Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the saints in the United States of America. I rejoice to hear of your great love for all God’s children,…

If we can’t make this happen, we won’t achieve any of the rest of it. It’s not racial equality, nor inflation, nor a woman’s autonomy over her own body, nor the war in Ukraine, nor extreme poverty, nor even finally and at long last putting Trump in prison that is the most urgent task before… (1 comment)

History will judge Republicans who stay silent about the big lie Robert Reich Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley and the author of Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Fewand The Common Good. His new book, The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix…

The falsest of equivalencies by:    Robert Harrington | 9:00 pm EDT September 10, 2022  in The Palmer Report When Lindsey Graham metaphorically smacked his lips at the delectable prospect of Donald Trump’s goons, ghouls and cretins “rioting in the streets” if Trump should be indicted, he summoned the ghost of Hillary Clinton as a moral…

The ugly truth about Donald Trump: Robert Harrington | 7:00 pm EDT July 29, 2022 Palmer Report » Analysis Believe it or not there are people who still insist that Donald Trump never lied and that he was a great president. Such people are probably unreachable by anything remotely resembling the objective truth. But there’s a salvageable middle ground…

Six monsters mashing Lorraine Evanoff | 10:00 pm EDT July 4, 2022 (I totally agree with Lorraine.  Larry Norton) The SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) has changed America from a democracy into a DEMOCRAZY. The recent attack on our constitutional rights by the unelected SCOTUS has also been an attack on our two ELECTED branches…

Why American Christians Need An Acts 10:28 Moment In the words of Keith Giles: There’s a beautiful, transformative event in the life of the Apostle Peter detailed in the Bible’s New Testament Book of Acts that I think many American Christians really need to experience for themselves. Essentially, Peter has a vision and hears the…
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