
Christy Clark is trying to buy the election

Christy Clark is trying to buy the election
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Christy Clark is trying to buy the election with millions of dollars from shady corporate donors.

With barely a month until the BC election, Christy Clark’s BC Liberals have raised millions from huge corporate donors, and they’re hoping they can spend their way to victory.   (Resource 1: Globe editorial: B.C.’s wild west financing laws need more than just a few tweaks (GLOBE and MAIL).


But Premier Clark is facing tough questions about her cozy relationship with big-money donors:  Did the $771,186 in donations from Kinder Morgan and their backers buy her support for their pipeline?  Did more than $1.5 million in donations from condo developers influence the government’s too-little-too-late response to the housing crises?  (Resource 2: Groups call on Christy Clark to return Kinder Morgan political donations (Vancouver Sun).


(Resource 3: Real Estate developers topped B.C. Liberals donor list in the past year (Vancouver Sun).  http://vancouversun.com/business/local-business/property-developers-topped-b-c-liberals-donor-list-in-the-past-year 

With the RCMP investigating whether some donations to the BC Liberals may have broken the law, and the scandal all over the news, you can bet Christy Clark is nervous.

(Resource 4: Breaking: BC Liberal Political Donation Scandal Investigated by RCMP (Desmog) https://www.desmog.ca/2017/03/10/bc-liberal-political-donation-scandal-investigated-rcmp

Now the BC Liberals are getting ready to unleash a flood of attack ads designed to shift the focus away from the donation scandal and stoke voters’ fear of change.  It is the same cynical strategy that helped them win the last election, and it could work again.


But they have two massive weaknesses.  If they can’t keep a lid on the political donation scandal, or if progressives vote in huge numbers, the BC Liberals are toast.


As more and more people learn of the money scandal they will be willing to go to work to terminate the employment of Christy Clark by voting against her.  At the moment, the John Horgan of the NDP has the best chance to execute the termination.


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