BIDEN’S  LAST HURRAH   President Joe Biden issued a heartfelt letter to the nation on Wednesday morning ahead of his farewell address. Not only does Biden offer a serious reflection on his presidency, but he delivers an expansive summary of his administration’s impressive accomplishments. Although Biden is on his way out after a career that… (1 comment)

The ugly truth about Donald Trump: Robert Harrington | 7:00 pm EDT July 29, 2022 Palmer Report » Analysis Believe it or not there are people who still insist that Donald Trump never lied and that he was a great president. Such people are probably unreachable by anything remotely resembling the objective truth. But there’s a salvageable middle ground…

Six monsters mashing Lorraine Evanoff | 10:00 pm EDT July 4, 2022 (I totally agree with Lorraine.  Larry Norton) The SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) has changed America from a democracy into a DEMOCRAZY. The recent attack on our constitutional rights by the unelected SCOTUS has also been an attack on our two ELECTED branches…

The real proof of just how screwed Russia’s economy is Bill Palmer | 9:09 am EST March 1, 2022 Palmer Report » Analysis The Russian ruble is in freefall, and the Russian stock market apparently isn’t even opening this week, for fear it’ll fully collapse if it does. But if you want real proof that the Russian economy is screwed to…

Biden Fixed Trump’s Social Security Debacle   Stepping into the role of President of the United States is challenging under any circumstances. However, when Joe Biden was sworn in a year ago, he also had to begin the colossal task of cleaning up the debris left by a twice-impeached, channel-surfing wrecking ball. A recent development…

Jews fear what follows after Republicans applauded Marjorie Taylor Greene   This article is taken from THE GUARDIAN  Feb. 15, 2021 BY:  Deborah Lipstadt Deborah Lipstadt is Dorot professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, Atlanta Photo of Marjorie Taylor Greene: Above: Marjorie Taylor Greene holds a press conference outside the Capitol in…

Gaming out the end of the filibuster Bill Palmer | 9:09 am EST January 29, 2021 Palmer Report » Analysis Back in 2018, liberal pundits – on TV and online – collectively decided that Trump was about to pardon his co-conspirators at any moment, and that it would cause him to magically win, and we’d all be screwed. This…

So this is what winning looks like……   Even as Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was insisting that he was somehow still in control of the Senate, some of us like authors of “The Palmer Report,” urged everyone to simply call McConnell’s bluff and get behind the hard charging new Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Sure…

How to put a former president in prison Robert Harrington | 10:30 am EST December 5, 2020 Palmer Report » News There’s a common proclivity in human nature to believe that if something extraordinary happened once before then it can, and sometimes must, happen again. A corollary to that theorem might also be that something extraordinary can’t happen if… (2 comments)

What Donald Trump will do once he loses:   Bill Palmer | 12:14 am EST November 6, 2020 Palmer Report » Analysis I hate to spoil it for you, but Donald Trump is going to lose this election. The math makes abundantly clear that Joe Biden will win Pennsylvania, and that alone will put him past 270. It’s over.… (1 comment)
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