BIDEN’S  LAST HURRAH   President Joe Biden issued a heartfelt letter to the nation on Wednesday morning ahead of his farewell address. Not only does Biden offer a serious reflection on his presidency, but he delivers an expansive summary of his administration’s impressive accomplishments. Although Biden is on his way out after a career that… (1 comment)

The red, white and black Robert Harrington | 3:00 pm EST November 30, 2024 Palmer Report » Analysis Consider this. A democratic nation promoted a man to that nation’s high office, a man who once planned and encouraged a violent overthrow of that nation. With lies and racism and a series of jingoistic rallies he exploited hatred for an…

Where’s our quid pro quo?
Where’s our quid pro quo? Robert Harrington | 3:00 pm EDT September 13, 2024 Reprinted  from Palmer Report » Analysis Okay, mainstream media, after President Joe Biden had one bad day on the debate floor, you harassed, beleaguered, vexed and bullied him. Between the two of you, New York Times and Washington Post, you wrote fifty articles in fifteen…

THE  BANALITY  OF  MAGA Robert Harrington | 9:00 pm EST March 1, 2024 Palmer Report » Analysis self   portrait of Harrington? In the evangelical part of my youth, from my late teens to my late twenties, I, like others of the tribe, was principally concerned with two enthusiasms, the advent of the Lord and the identity of the Antichrist. …

Donald Trump: The Biggest Loser in History
Donald Trump: The Biggest Loser in History Robert Harrington | 8:00 pm EST January 27, 2024 Palmer Report » Analysis   “Maybe that was something he lost,” Charles Foster Kane’s editor laments with chilling clairvoyance about the meaning of Rosebud in “Citizen Kane,” the great film of 1941. “Mr. Kane was a man that lost almost everything he had.”…

The Real MAGA Problem
The real MAGA problem Robert Harrington | 7:00 pm EST January 17, 2024 Palmer Report » Analysis   When 56 year old Adolf Hitler took his own life, dejected and defeated in his Berlin bunker, that was the effective end of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Certainly imitators followed, but Hitler WAS the Nazi Party as it then…

This is only getting worse Robert Harrington | 3:00 pm EST January 14, 2024 Palmer Report » Analysis When I began writing for Palmer Report nearly six years ago, global warming records still held surprises. You needed a fair memory to recall them. Today memory is not necessary and there are no more surprises. The hottest year on record?…

BIDEN’S CHANCES DEC 30 2023   Biden’s 2024 chances are much stronger than people realize.  Two things have happened to Trump since 2020 that are going to make it very hard for him to win in 2024.   By Simon Rosenberg, Democratic strategist   As we head into 2024, the conventional wisdom is that Democrats are on the…

The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone Robert Harrington | 7:29 pm EST December 23, 2023 Palmer Report » Analysis I recommend it if you haven’t seen the 1962 episode of “The Twilight Zone” called “To Serve Man.” The spoiler will follow: A giant race of ostensibly benign aliens come to earth. They thaw the suspicions of the leaders of earth with gifts…

THE  ROOT  OF  MUCH  EVIL   WRITTEN BY:  Robert Harrington | 6:00 pm EDT October 29, 2023 Palmer Report » Analysis One of the greatest evils ever committed against the survivability of democracy in America came in the guise of a Supreme Court case. Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), is a landmark decision…
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