Was the 2016 election legitimate? No!
original composition by Tim Faulkner

Was the 2016 presidential election legitimate? That is a question asked multiple times as new evidence has continued to surface over the past two years. The Los Angeles Times is now looking into that very question. It was recently reported that Donald Trump received a classified intelligence briefing two weeks before the inauguration that demonstrably proved Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the attack on the American election to steal it in Trump’s favor. Of course we all know that Trump was already well aware of this, as he was an active participant in the election theft.
Despite the mountain of evidence of Russian interference, Trump refuses to admit the truth, because he cannot bring himself to acknowledge that he did not win it legitimately. While Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia treason continues, we already know that, at best, Trump is sitting in the White House with massive assistance from Russia. As the LA Times puts it, “A nation devoted to majority rule has a minority president, who squeaked into office on an Electoral College technicality; against most data projections. And using dark money. And using voter suppression. And using Russian disinformation.”
At worst, Trump committed the worst case of treason in American history, stole the highest office in the land, undermined democracy, and did it all to further enrich his family, while selling out to a longtime adversary of our nation. It does not require a conspiracy theorist to come to the conclusion, using just the currently available facts, that Russia altered the outcome of the election. Without even discussing whether or not any votes were changed, we know that “many who planned to vote against Trump, were kept from the ballot entirely.”
As well documented, Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel admitted voter suppression was the reason Trump won the state by 22,177 votes, after 45,000 eligible voters were turned away. So not only was Trump aided by Russian help, illegal Republican policies prevented Americans from participating in democracy. Even before we find out the true extent of Trump’s treason, it is safe to say the 2016 presidential election was not legit, and that Trump truly is illegitimate.